Cories And Flow Rate In Tank....


Fish Crazy
Feb 24, 2006
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I have just had three new arrivals into my tank, a julii and two schwartzi, who are firm friends already.

However, in my tank I am using an external canister filter, and this creates a fair flow in the tank. The other inhabitants of the tank ( WCMM's) seem to love it, but I am unsure about the cory's.

They have adopted one corner of the tank, and this also happens to be the area of least flow. The flow isn't crazy, but the 30G tank is turning over 5x an hour, as reccommended by ehiem.

Will my corys be OK with this. They seem really playful, but possibly this is becuase they are being knocked around the the current. However, if they are nautrally stream dwellers, then the tank is only moving at the rate of a slow stream.

I could add a spraybar which would help if needed.


Well, corydoras are made in such a way that the current works to keep them close to the substrate. Therefore, they should be used to the current, though if the current is too strong, this might not be the case. Also, is the corner that they hide in well shaded and an inviting place for the corydoras? If so, it might just be their favorite spot during the day. *shrugs*

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