Cories And Algae Wafers


Apr 5, 2007
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Vancouver, Canada
i have some cories in my tank and they usually get fed the little hikari sinking wafers which i guess is made for catfish and doesnt have algae, as well as frozen bloodworms once a week but i was wondering if they would be alright with some hikari algae wafers that i have for my pleco in a diff tank for a treat once in a while??
i have some cories in my tank and they usually get fed the little hikari sinking wafers which i guess is made for catfish and doesnt have algae, as well as frozen bloodworms once a week but i was wondering if they would be alright with some hikari algae wafers that i have for my pleco in a diff tank for a treat once in a while??

corys will graze on algae wafers, but i wouldnt include them as a part of their staple diet :)
alright thanks... im always looking around for ways to give variety for my fish and wondered if they could have just a taste once in a while for a treat... it wont be there main diet just once in a while to keep the variety up...

what about zuchinni and cucumbers and other veggies.. will they eat those as well like plecos do???

by the way they are peppered cories
Hi kaisa :)

Hikari sinking wafers are a good basic food for corys and are a staple in my corys diets. They contain dried seaweeds and spirulina (an algae) so they do provide some vegetable material for your fish. In addition, a good quality spirulina disc is often a welcome addition.


While my corys will sometimes pick on the zucchini, lettuce and kale I feed to the plecos, they seem to prefer a bit of butternut squash. Even the corys that don't touch the other veggies will nibble on it.

hey guys thanks for the advise.... the link you gave me for the sinking wafers, thats the kind i bought for them and ive been feeding them regularly...

i also have hikari ALGAE wafers that i have for my BN plec which are larger, about the size of a quarter and green, not brown like the little sinking wafers. [URL=""][/URL]

i was wondering if the algae wafers would be alright once in a while for a treat.

ps. looks like your cories are having a feeding frenzie inchworm... . must be a blast to watch lol
algea wafers are ok once in awhile but cories really need there protein ie. shrimp etc. whats in the sinking wafers

i keep bn's with my bronze cories and thay get a good mix of algae,sinking and canivor pellets as well as live and frozen food

the plecs in my other tank get the same bn's and a L134
ok thanks . ill make sure only to give it to them as a treat. maybe once a month.

maybe they wont even like it, who knows .....they LOVE the sinking wafers by hikari which is there main diet along with frozen bloodworms, i always make sure a bunch hit the ground for them, its so funny watching them eat bloodworms and how they chew it up and sometimes they push it out through there gills and suck it back in aahaa. funny little fish they are
hey guys thanks for the advise.... the link you gave me for the sinking wafers, thats the kind i bought for them and ive been feeding them regularly...

i also have hikari ALGAE wafers that i have for my BN plec which are larger, about the size of a quarter and green, not brown like the little sinking wafers. <a href="" target="_blank"></a>

i was wondering if the algae wafers would be alright once in a while for a treat.

ps. looks like your cories are having a feeding frenzie inchworm... . must be a blast to watch lol

I give mine those every now and then. They love'em.

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