Corals For A 45l


Fish Aficionado
Oct 28, 2006
Reaction score
Kent, UK
Just wondering if anyone has some suggestions for some good, easy to keep low light corals suitable for a Nano.

Light is 36W PC, flow provided by a korilla Nano and stock pump (which I wouldnt personally count). I will be upping this slight though.

I'm not that fond of mushrooms but do like Ricordia which I think will be suitable. Im not sure what the difference is between Ricordia Yuma and normal Ricordia?

I was also thinking of the below which I think might be ok as well:
Green Star Polyps
Yellow Polyps
Torch, hammer or bubble corals (maybe not for these 3).

One thing I'm having a hard time adjusting to with marine is that there is very little solid informaiton on pretty much everything. Typical descriptions include things like "requires moderate lighting" which is all very well but as a newb I have no clue wtf moderate lighting is actually equal too :) Also reading things about how much spaec corals need and many sites say about corals not being kept right next to each other but not many say what kind of "range" each coral has :)

I know most of this is just learnt from experience but I like to be a prepeared as possible before my inexperience kills lots of critters. if anyone can point in the direction of some good sites about corals that would be cool (then I can stop asking so many stupid questions :p ).
Heh, yeah it's tough to get a handle on when you first start. All those corals you listed would be fine for the tank in question.

As for the "range" of your LPS you selected there, hammers and torches range is usually just slightly beyond that of their tentacles when fully extened. They can lengthen a couple stinging tentacles if they sense athreat, so take care with them. Obviously bigger specemins will have bigger tentacles. The bubble is a different story though. It keeps its sweeper tentacles (the stinging ones) withdrawn most of the time. There are 2 types of bubble coral. The common bubble coral with ~2cm diameter bubbles has sweeper tentacles that can extend 4-6 inches from the coral at night. Pretty harsh sting too. The not-so-common "Toothy" bubble coral with ~2mm diameter bubbles do not have long sweepers at all and can be placed close to neighbors.

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