Coraline Algae


Fish Maniac
Mar 4, 2005
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Q. How long before Coraline algae begins to appear. Is there a timescale given the right conditions
it depends on lgithing, and calcium levels in ur tank some people never get coralin, some people have it everywhere
What are considered good parameters for encouraging this growth.
"ideal" reef parameters are ideal for coraline growth, what it really requires is stability of water params. Thinking back I think it took a couple of months from set up for mine to start growing... now it's a bit of a pest.
mines only just started growing after 6 months. Now its decided to grow near the front of the glass and when i scrape it off it spreads little fragments and makes more.
I've heard lower lights grow Coraline faster, metal halides are too much light. I'm not sure it that's true, though.
i should have laods soon then :D ive also heard you can get corraline growth that you put in your tank every 3 weeks to aid growth, any one else heard of this i think its powder or liquid stuff ?!
It's just probably a calcium mixture. There isn't a "coralline aglae in a bottle".
Purple up?
I don't think it works. Things like that usually don't. Or else they DO work, but cause other problems.
il have a gander next time at work see whats in it ..... probably purple dust :p
Actually purple up does work. It puts in trace minerals and calcium into to the tank to suit the needs of new colonising coralline algae. It is an "all in one" bottle instead of you dosing minerals individually.
Well I have to say my tanks been up for 3 weeks today and i'm seeing it all over the place, back sump, glass, filter outlet. But looking at what has been written above I'm not suprised as I have low light and high calcium levels 580. Its also growing very well on all the rocks . My fav is the deep red it looks just like velvet :)
Hi littleme,
good to hear from you again are you going to update your thread, any more been happening. I'll be using the same salt mix as you which umean that the calcium levels will be as high and also my light levels will not be as high as I'm not using MH.

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