Coralife Canister Filters


Fish Crazy
Jan 31, 2007
Reaction score
North Dakota (where's that?)
Hello everyone,

Just as the title states. I've seen one of these for sale online lately but it doesn't have any info on it. Except that it's a polaris 1 and its rated for up to a 20 gallon tank. That's it. I was thinking of buying it as a supplemental filter on my 30 gallon but can't find a bit of info on them anywhere. Does anybody know anything about them? Heck, I can't even find a flow rate for this filter.

I dont know anything about coralife filters, but in my experiance with the company (i love using their ultra reliable lights all be them over priced).

Knowing what i know about the company. Ide say try it. But as with any filter, have a backup plan!

-Chairman Wood
I think I'm gonna get the filter whether I find info on them or not. From the picture I found, they look pretty tough. This filter would just be an extra to have, or backup plan.

It's strange that even the coralife website doesn't have anything on this filter.


I will keep looking for info on it. Thanks for the recommendation Chairman
So, I'm getting the filter.

Apparently, Google knows nothing about this filter either. All I can do is wait for it to arrive and test it out. Here's a pic of the beautiful box it will arrive in :good: .



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I hate to bring up an old topic, especially my own, but I thought I would give it another try.

Over the past year, I've had this filter up & running on my 30g tall. I recently took the tank when I moved, and this filter has sat empty since. Sorry for the lack of pictures, but I can't find the charging cable for my camera.

The filter suited the tank fine alongside the two other that were filters that were on it. I was pleased overall this filter. The only complaint I had was getting it to prime but I think it was might fault, & not the filter.
I was so pleased that I would like to get another one, whether the same size or bigger. Trouble is, I can't an f'ing thing on these things anywhere. No where on the net, that I've seen, has selling info on them. I've seen a couple of sites with some crap reviews. One website(in spanish) i think was selling a broken, incomplete one.

So, here I am, asking if maybe anyone on the the other side of the pond knows anything about them. I thought that maybe the UK was where the filter was based because the remote amount of info I have found all leads back to UK-based websites. That maybe a wrong assumption, but it's worth a shot.

I'm surprised that these filters were discontinued since the build quality was better than the knockoffs I've seen lately. Not including fluval or eheims, it's the best little filter I've seen when compared to the tom rapids, zoo med, finnex, and the like canister filters out there also. Again,

Thanks for reading,


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