Coral Question


New Member
Mar 27, 2007
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Hello all,

New to the Forum and new to Fish Keeping.

This might be a stupid question and sorry if it is, but can you put Coral into a Tropical Tank or are they for Marine only.

Many thanks

Andy :unsure:
i think you could put coral in a fresh water tank' A, if its dead and after a good scrub.(if its live then it soon wont be) and B, as long as you have fish in the tank that like hard, alkaline water and not soft water fish because it will alter your waters chemistry
i think you could put coral in a fresh water tank' A, if its dead and after a good scrub.(if its live then it soon wont be) and B, as long as you have fish in the tank that like hard, alkaline water and not soft water fish because it will alter your waters chemistry

yes, although i believe it's actually illegal to sell dead coral. it's almost certainly immoral cos you can pretty much guarantee it's been ripped straight off the reefs and left to die. The coral reef's around the world are endangered enough as it is and there's a lot of conscientious marine aquarists working to get more corals cultured and to halt the destruction of the reef's.

buy live coral for your marine tank and it'll die pretty quickly polluting your water horribly and probably killing your fish.

i've seen tropical tanks done out with a load of fake corals etc and to be completely honest with you it just ends up looking really naff, concentrate on getting a nice natural freshwater tank and if you really like the look of marines get researching and saving and eventually you can set your own one up. :good:

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