Coral propagation

Salt Freak

Feb 29, 2004
Reaction score
houston, texas
I just Propagated my polyp it was really hard to tie it down but manged I was wondering how long does it take for the coral to attach to the rock. If any one has done this can they give me more info
i have found that with mushreooms and soft corals, its best to use a pair of old nylon tights. Put the polyps on the liverock and wrap the rock in these tights tightly. The light will be lower and thus it shall make the mushroom open larger to get more light, this in itself will help it attach to the rocks. After 2 weeks like this you should ne able to remove the tights and the mushroom will be attached
I just propagated the button polyp I cant get it to stay on the rock can I tie string on the top ofor how should I tie the button polyp down.
My polyps are growing....growing .....growing....
I'm afraid they will choke each other out.

My button polyps seem to be so crowed they don't open up all the way anymore.


This is what it looked like 2 months there is no visible rock left just polyps.

I'm gonna have to propagate.... never done it before....

I really need step by step directions.


Ummm, you cant prop them like that.(I am assuming you cut them) They will poison the rest of the tank. The only way to safely do it is to take a layer of rock off under it. Best of luck
I have read in a magazine you can actually glue them down with the same sealant as you use to conect the glass or alternatively use non-poisonous blue tack. Pretty sure its for hard corals only though...

Would you like me to hunt down the source for you both? Im pretty sure its from an old mag i have called "Practical fishkeeping".
DONT propogate zoos in your main tankand DONT propogate them with bare hands. these mushrooms carry a deadly poison with no antidote :no: :byebye:

In all honest though, zooz are designed to fit extremly closly together and this is completely natural for them.

You can use simple superglue to fasten corals but most soft coral will slime and work free of this. its best to simply use a pair of old tights as described above.
when you say superglue nav is that normal every day superglue for fixing china plates and stuff, is it reef safe
i'll take whatever practical experience i can get !!!!!
Thanks all...
Before i do anything, i really need to research. Yeah Nav, I've read that zoos are extremely poisoneous...deadly

Hey cichlid freak! Thanks for creating this thread !
Killin' 2 birds with 1 stone . . . . . lol
when you say superglue nav is that normal every day superglue for fixing china plates and stuff, is it reef safe

yep reef safe

Another thing you can use is Milliput. dont bother with the deltec reef millitup, its twice as expensive as normal milliupt and exactly the same stuf.. just a purple colour to make it mor elike coraline and its a finer grade but thats it.
Super Glue Gel, works great for hard and soft corals. Use a very small amount on soft corals. If you want to prop zoos, I place them as level as possible and touching a new piece of sand stone, then put a power head on them and let them spread naturally. If you are in a rush, I take a wood chistle and hammer and take a small layer of rock under them, you dont want to harm them, they can be killers. When you prop zoos, feed them well, they will go nuts.
Navarre is right my LFS sells epoxy resine for $20.00 a tube, I can get it even in the same color at Manards for $3.00. I some times have problems getting a good hold on my stony corals, if it lets lose, I then use the super glue gel to bond it to the epoxy after the epoxy sets up.
Cichlid freaks avatar is going to give me seizures.
I use wedding veil myself, but only for mushrooms. Just about everything else I use the super glue gel.

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