Super Glue Gel, works great for hard and soft corals. Use a very small amount on soft corals. If you want to prop zoos, I place them as level as possible and touching a new piece of sand stone, then put a power head on them and let them spread naturally. If you are in a rush, I take a wood chistle and hammer and take a small layer of rock under them, you dont want to harm them, they can be killers. When you prop zoos, feed them well, they will go nuts.
Navarre is right my LFS sells epoxy resine for $20.00 a tube, I can get it even in the same color at Manards for $3.00. I some times have problems getting a good hold on my stony corals, if it lets lose, I then use the super glue gel to bond it to the epoxy after the epoxy sets up.
Cichlid freaks avatar is going to give me seizures.