Coral okay in my Freshwater Tank?


Fish Fanatic
May 29, 2004
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I'm not sure if this has been asked before. But here goes nothing! I got a 10 gallon freshwater tank, 4 guppies, 2 zebra danios, and 1 african dwarf frog. I've been reading alot in this forum and thanks for all the tips! Recently I added a coral piece. Its about the size of a cabage. It's been dead for years just sitting in my back yard. I cleaned it all out before adding to tank and so far it's been a week and no problems.

I heard it could be bad for my freshwater tank. Is it true? Should I take the coral out?

[EDIT]----after reading some replies
So if it does mess with my PH level what is a safe PH level for my fish? Like a general ph level number would be greatly helpful.


It's the large cluster of white in the middle.
looksw preetyy cool. i cant relly see the harm except u should've bought fake coral at the lfs. its nicer,safer and glows :p
I went to the LFS and cheked. They had a piece almost like the one I have right now for around 50 bucks (petco). So I decided to stay with my current piece.

Also, is there a place online where I can order fish? Not sure if this was a dumb question. :D
I used to have crushed coral in a SW setup which helped buffer the PH up. I'm going to bet that that coral will slowly try to work your PH into the 8.x region.
heyimeugene said:
I went to the LFS and cheked. They had a piece almost like the one I have right now for around 50 bucks (petco). So I decided to stay with my current piece.

Also, is there a place online where I can order fish? Not sure if this was a dumb question. :D
yes there is, but somethin you must know, is that sometimes they are expensive, you can find them cheap in the price list, but PLUS shippin it gets higher! heres a link that has a little bit expensives prices but they are really good helpers, like not only they sell fishes, they sell aquarium supplies, plants, plants supplies, and fishes, and they have some information beside it (plants and fishes, and supplies as well ;) )

theres some more check on google

if you want to buy bettas i find this website quite good :)

if you want to buy supplies or decor or anythin exept livestock

IMO i find it very good, fast shippin, cheap, and GOOD

well hope that helped :) GOOD LUCK
Thanks for the info on the fish supplies list..

Okay I plan on taking out hte coral now that I find it can raise ph that much!

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