Coral Moss

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Fish Addict
Sep 3, 2020
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I bought a supposed bag of Java Moss the other day to place on my new nano tank hardscape.
When I opened the bag it certainly wasn't java moss as I've seen it, used it and also found it a bit messy to work with.
At the same time I bought Xmas moss which I like for it's ability to grow upwards pretty quickly.
Anyway, the other moss, not java moss, looked very nice and had a lovely colour and shape to it so I used it to attach to the lower portions of the wood in my tank and over some pieces of rock to hide the glued joints. It looks really nice.
As I had some left over I have put it in a dish for my Emerald Rasboras to hopefully take a liking to, and spawn. I wanted some more for another tank with Blue eyed redfin rainbowfish to encourage them to breed too so went back for more.
I found the name of the moss when I went to buy more. It's Coral Moss and I'm amazed it has never been brought to my attention before. I can honestly say that I've never seen it in a store before, nor seen any mention on a forum or other website I've been on.
I just want to pass the info on. I have seen that it prefers high light and CO2 but can still grow in less than optimal conditions.
I'd recommend anyone starting a new build to take a look at it.

I see it's actually a liverwort rather than a moss.
I had some of it in my tank for a while when I was doing Co2 - it actually grew its best when I was doing a black out to fight some algae!

Interesting its a Liverwort I didnt know that, I've been wanting to try Subwassertang (think thats the spelling) for a while too.


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