coral in tanks


New Member
May 14, 2003
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Hi all, I was at our friendly dentist the other day. He has the most beautiful cichlid tank set up. But I noticed that there were those nice pieces of coral (not live) and those other nice things ( not live) one would put into a salt water tank.

Can these things be put into a cichlid tank with no harm done to the fish?

I just had the rocks as they knock them down all the time and he had some very nice rock pieces in his that I know belong in a salt tank.

Of course I did not ask him where he got them da. But I know he does not maintain this tank as he has a company do it for him. B) :rolleyes: :fun:
Find out the name of the company ( I'm sure your Dentist wouldn't mind) and ask them or you could do a search about it. Sorry but I don't know much about none live coral but it could be made out of anything like plaster of paris or something like that, I have seen some plastic type coral in one of my lfs's which looked pretty good. A little help is better than none!!!!!
Hi Lynn,
I keep Malawi Cichlids, which need a higher Ph value than normal... Was your dentists tank a Mbuna ( rock dwelling malawian fish) tank? If so, the rocks and coral you mention could just be the, as you say, Marine stuff you find in your LFS. They help buffer the Ph of the water, and also help the hardness of the water, which help Mbuna and Haps survive.

Depending on the type of cichlid you keep, you should be able to use the crushed coral and rocks without a problem... hope this helps

Yeah u need it to keep the ph high. If not coral, then some types or rocks. But dont put coral into your normal community tank, or some of the less tolerant ones will die.

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