Coral Food...


Fish Crazy
Nov 18, 2007
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I have what has been debated as a Colt Coral. Its my only coral at this time in a tank with two fish and a good-sized CUC. I was given "coral food" by my LFS called Phytofeast. I have a large amount of green algae showing up on my tank walls. I didnt know if the coral will be eating the algae already in the tank or if I should add the stuff the LFS gave me. May have been a dumb assumption but I assumed they are both green algaes and shouldnt add more to the tank if its covering my glass every day. Thanks
That phytofeast is free-floating phytoplankton. You probably wont need to feed the colt a whole lot (you are sure it's a colt and not a kenya, correct?) but the coral wont be absorbing or eating any of the algae already in the tank. So yeah, go ahead and feed it with that maybe once a week and it will certainly thrive.
Most photosynthetic soft corals can thrive on light alone. Try it if you will, may spark some growth. Try to spot feed as feeding the entire tank will just result in the sand bed and skimmer absorbing it all.
you might try going without it for a month and the doing it for a month and try before and after shots to see if you notice a difference, I think you will. Like lynden said make sure to spot feed. Turkey basters and pipets do the trick.
Thanks guys. Will do. I havent fed it anything for about a week and a half now and seems to be doing as well as ever.
Kenyas are primarily photosynthetic, while Colts feed on small gerbils and rusty anvils.... :p

Wouldnt really make a difference, just checking really. I dont know a lot about the care of Colt corals but I do have experience with Kenya trees...I imagine theyre about the same in regards to feeding but I dont know that so I figured I'd make sure.
Kenyas apparently rely a little more on feeding than do colts. But, mine have never needed supplemental feeding.
Thanks. Its just Ive got a small kenya and wanted to know if you knew something about it that I didnt. I dont really feed it as such but it seems happy and is always open ;)
hehe, I know people that never feed their kenya trees and prune them like weeds :)
As do I, but I like having something prune so I keep em full :)

I used to have plenty of caulerpa to prune but my Lo took care of that :D

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