Coral Beauty


New Member
Jun 6, 2006
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I recently bought a coral beauty angel, about 4 weeks ago and I m starting to see some blemishes on its body. I am not sure what it is. It kind of looks
like its scales are "ruffled", not sure how to describe.

Does anyone have any thoughts?

all my tank parameters seem to be fine, amonia,nitrate, nitrite are all 0 and ph is 8.4, sg is 1.25. I have a 55 gallon with soft corals and 2 clowns, 1 lawnmower blenny and 1 yellow faced watchman.
Might have just rubbed itself on a rock my Flame Angle and Neon Velvet damsel both had marks on them
at the same time did I S**T myself but both are clean now just after a week

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How many blemishes are there?
are they close together?
on the same side?
Might have just rubbed itself on a rock my Flame Angle and Neon Velvet damsel both had marks on them
at the same time did I S**T myself but both are clean now just after a week

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How many blemishes are there?
are they close together?
on the same side?

The are two blemishes, one one each side of it. I was thinking the same thing that he might be getting them from the rock. I noticed last night that he hides way underneath one of my big rocks. I couldnt find him at first but caught a glimpse of his tail, I wonder if at night he might be wedging himself into too tight of a spot.
The blemishes dont seem to be getting worse. I dont know. ?????
I haven't kept a coral beauty but I did have a royal gramma who squeezed himself into the rocks and pulled some scales off, making himself look a bit shabby. He died after about a month of injuring himself as my clownfish was terrorizing him.

Maybe he has some underlying health problems I hadn't detected.

I also had a regal tang who scraped herself badly getting wedged in the rockwork. Another product of my clowns aggression.
I've been keeping an I on him and he starting to look better. He's eating fine and swimming fine.
Well besides that my tank is doing good, its been running since july 1st. I havent posted much but maybe I'll post some pics.
Sad day.... I'm afraid I'm going to lose my coral beauty. I came home from being out all day and noticed he was hiding in the rocks. I did'nt think anything about it until I went to feed everyone. He didn't come out to eat.... :sad:

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