Copper Rasboras


Fish Crazy
Feb 18, 2009
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Just baught 5 of them for my 16g tank does anyone know any information on them, i was told they grow to 3cm which means i could have 10 easily? :) is this true...btw they are beautiful little fellas
what size would the grow to then? as 1" per gallon

3cm(what i was told) is just over an inch so that's around 12" for 10 :S
It's not a hard and fast rule, just a guide, so don't get to caught up on the exact measurements. With small fish you're probably going to be ok in that space with about 10. You got any pics as that's a pretty general common name and could describe a number of small rasboras.

Edit - Just did a quick search. You've got a variant of a harlequin rasbora. I think they grow a little bigger so I'd err on the side of caution and probably go with about 6 to 8 to allow you to maintain better water quality, they really thrive in decent water.
that sounds koool, would they prefer are larger group then? with 8 rather then 5?
Harlequins are a lightly schooling fish. They will appreciate a larger group so I would suggest getting a couple more, they'll also be more confident in the larger group and be out in the open more. I had three in a small planted tank for a while and rarely saw them outside of feeding time.
right, il try and grab a few pics to see if they are defiantly harlequins then :)

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