Copper Long Finn Rosy Barb?


Fish Crazy
Nov 1, 2007
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I was reading a magazine (PFK) and saw a fish and when I asked what it was they said it was long fin rosy barb. I could tell from the photo it was barb but it was orange like a platy would be so I was confused cause I couldn't find any info on that fish. But now they tell mi it is man made variety of rosy barb and they are available all the time in shops ?! I have never seen one like that before...

Anyways, as it is rosy barb than could you please tell me a bit more? I have read some infos on them, tho where I found those information the photos are very different from that fish I have seen in magazine...
But OK....It is said they are very playful and boisterus, shouldn't be kepr with long fined slow fish cause hey can be nippy. But is this also true for long fin varieties? I mean since they have longer fins too...
I now only have experiences with goldfish, plecos, guppies and ottos and would like to have fish I saw cause it remindes me very much of my goldfish which I had to give to my friends pond because they grew too big...

What tankmates would be suitable? I know they prefer a bit colder water than guppies. Could I than put hong kong pleco with it (cause they also need a bit lower temperature) for the algae? (and yes, I am aware that no fish survives solely on algae, that I will have to feed it and also clean the tank)

oh and what for the gravel and plants. I heard they destroy most plants (like goldies do)?
How big a tank would you need? Could they be kept with some oddbals?

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