Seen these in a lfs today and wondered if anyone had them? If so are they easy to look after? Thinking of adding them in with my juvenile angels. Do they need any special care or conditions? Ph etc? Cheers
Well the batch of 8 I had is quite hardy, the school fine.
Pretty active and fun to watch. No extra care for that tank, guess to keep tropical fish you need to live in the tropics for the easy way
Definately look far better in a shoal of at least 10-12 forthem to colour up nicely
Stunning fish!!
Depends which specis though, H.Espei is more commonly known as Copper Harlequin and IMO is the nicer of the two but have seen shops selling H.henglii (sp) as Coppers and their pinky gold isnt as clearly defined or bright as the H.Espei.
Lovely fish, mid level swimmers, tight shoalers, tolerant of ph and temperatures to a good extent and easy as anything to keep.