Coping With Pet Death


Mar 10, 2008
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Today I was told that my dog was reaching the end of her road. I've known for maybe the past year or two that she is old and won't be there forever. But she has a fat tumor or something on her shoulder and she limps and shes too old for surgery to remove it so the doctors can't really do anything. My family and I have chosen euthanasia in the future and the doctor will come to the house. She is an English Mastiff. I was just wondering how you coped with not having you best friend there every day? I starting to realize the day is coming and its making me sort of depressed.
I'm so sorry. It's always heartbreaking when we lose a pet that we love. Dogs become such a big part of our lives, that it's hard to let them go.We've had a Miniature Schnauzer, and a ShihTzu. We had the vet euthanize the Schnauzer at the age of 13. He had cancer, and we decided when the time was right. The ShihTzu died at home at the age of 14....she suffered seizures, and she didn't come out of the final one. She actually played the day before before she died. I think it's a little harder when you have to make the decision to euthanize. We always think of it this way...What would the dog want? If there is no real quality of life, then life is not very valuable. You've given the dog a good life, and much love. Now, you give her the dignity of a good death. She would thank you if she could. You'll miss her but will have the comfort of knowing that you did give her what was needed at the end.
I'm so sorry. It's always heartbreaking when we lose a pet that we love. Dogs become such a big part of our lives, that it's hard to let them go.We've had a Miniature Schnauzer, and a ShihTzu. We had the vet euthanize the Schnauzer at the age of 13. He had cancer, and we decided when the time was right. The ShihTzu died at home at the age of 14....she suffered seizures, and she didn't come out of the final one. She actually played the day before before she died. I think it's a little harder when you have to make the decision to euthanize. We always think of it this way...What would the dog want? If there is no real quality of life, then life is not very valuable. You've given the dog a good life, and much love. Now, you give her the dignity of a good death. She would thank you if she could. You'll miss her but will have the comfort of knowing that you did give her what was needed at the end.

Well said SharonCC
Sorry you have to go through such a difficult time, HCpetraitis.

I had a golden retriever from when I was 13 to when he died when I was 26; he was with me for half of my life at the time. Any death of a pet is difficult; I'm so sorry to hear that yours is so far long that you have to euthanize. As my husband told me when I was grieving for my dog... pets have short lives because we people are the strong ones and we can withstand the loss, so that we continue to take care of more pets in our lives.
Thank you so much for all the advice. Those are great ways to look at this situation.
Thank you so much for all the advice. Those are great ways to look at this situation.

Sorry for your loss. Lost my Labradoor just before christmas to a cancer inbetween the heart and the lung. Then it hit her spine and se couldnt walk so we decided that was the time...Not easy but gets better with time, then you only remember the good memories :D.
hi and soooooo sorry to hear bout that all the people who have lost pets .you never know he/she will be there as my nanna lost her dog through cancer and every night before she turns the tv of hes led infront of it it hurts her dearly but she knows hes still there .R.I.P all dogs that go to heaven xxxxx
I know exactly how you feel i lost my german shepherd the begining of the month and its been very hard for the family but you don't want to see your dog in pain with no good quality of life and she will always be in memories nobody will take them away from you.We missed the dog around the house so much that we are in the process of adopting another german shepherd from german shepherd rescue there are so many unloved dogs out there looking for homes and i am happy that we will be able to give a dog a home that really needs it and this has helped us abit.Just make the most of the time you have left and take loads of photos to remember her.
a little something that has helped me.
If it should be

If it should be that i grow weak
And pain should keep me from my sleep
Then you must do what must be done
For this last battle cannot be won.

You will be sad, I understand
Don't let your grief then stay your hand
For this day more than all the rest
Your love for me must stand the test

We've had so many happy years
What is to come can hold no fears
You'd not want me to suffer so;
The time has come to let me go.

Take me where my needs they'll tend
And please stay with me until the end
Hold me firm and speak to me
Until my eyes no longer see

I know in time that you will see
The kindness that you did for me
Althrough my tail has lost it's waved
From pain and suffering I'we been saved

Please do not grieve-it must be you
Who had this painfull thing to do
We've been close, we two, these years
Don't let your heart hold back it's tears.

Author unknown
Take loads of pictures, you'd be suprised how fast your forget what they look like. We lost our cat, Georgie, in 06 and we still feel warmed every time we randomly run acrost a picture of him.
Btw, if you haven't experienced the greaving process before, you may go through faily sevier mood swings. Don't worry this is not abnormal and it only realy lasts for a few days (it did for me any way). It does get better with time. Eventually the saddness dissapiers, and as said before, only the happienes from having your animal grace your life remanes.
Over the past four years I've lost 3 of my beloved pets. I've learned that it really helps to have another animal of the same species there to help you grieve. I lost my bunny Rosie at the beginning of this year and It was hard not having a bunny there to play with and feed everyday. There was a void, not only in my heart, but also in my time. I lost my dog Chloe last month and having my other dog around has really helped me a lot. I don't have my Chloe any more, but I still have a buddy to play with, cuddle with, and just be with. A new dog will never replace the old one, but they can help you heal.

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