

Fish Crazy
Mar 20, 2005
Reaction score
Laramie, Wy
Where can I get them? Doesn't seem to be available on any online site that I've checked, and my LFS doesn't carry them except for the accidentals you get on live rock... My fish made quick work of those however...

If I were to start a refugium I'm pretty sure I'd need to start off with a few copepods... they don't just spawn from nowhere... right?
Get cheato, unless its been absolutely picked clean there should be a few left in your system which will find there way to the cheato and breed there. I personally have to many copapods, no fish yet but I have huge amounts of cheato and live rock and my glass is just covered with them.
whats cheato?

and i also have little tiny critters scurring around. what are they? copapods maybe or something else that looks like them??
They are probably copapods, or micro amphipods, or there are some tiny tiny decapods. all microcrustaceans fill the same niche so long as they arent parasitic. Cheatomorph is a type of macroalgea it looks a bit like a brillo pad, its just a bunch of long narrow green runners that interconnect and intertwine and twist about.
from a quick web search, cheato is some sort of plant/algae?

And another question, where can I get mysis shrimp, so that I can feed corals and such when i finally get heavy into them
you can buy cultures of pods to fast track a fuge.......but i suggest you do some more reading up first to make sure you know what you want/need.

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