Hia, I'm sure there is far more expert adivce on the forum, but I have a pretty successful pod cultivation system using tupperware boxes, with an with airtight lid, drill 2 holes in the lid thread an airline through one of the holes and feed it through so the line touches the bottom.
I don't use an airstone, but bend the line so that the air just bubbles through very slowly so not to stun the pods.
I use freshly mixed salt water (not tank water) and try to keep the water at the same SG as my tank so the pods are not too stunned when plonked into it!
I also cultivate my pods with Rotifiers as apparently they help keep the system stable.
Use a good quality Phytoplankton, and order your Pods!
Fill the containers half to two thirds full of mixed Salt water, then add enough Phyto to turn the water green, don't add too much or you could pollute the water!
Place the container on a sunny windowsill, acclimatise the cultures by putting the culture jar into a big container and dripping your container water into it, then add the lot to your tupperware box.
Keep the water a light green colour and don't let it go clear, after about 7 days you should get a population explosion and then by day 10 you can start syphoning off the pods from the side of the container.
Keep an eye on the SG and top up with RO as required, also keep an eye on the Ph, I lost a culture once because the pods can't tolerate a Ph of above 9. (improve aeration to reduce PH)
I syphon off all the crud at the bottom of the container every few weeks (straining the water to get out as many pods as i can!) Then do a partial water change.
Hope that helps