Coolie Loachs


Fish Herder
Nov 23, 2004
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how big do they got and should they be kept in groups, i might get some if i can get my 55 gallon.
kuhil loachs are really cool
And they are best kept in groups so you could get a group of 5-10 in your tank
but don't except to see them much if you get 5 :(
I have a group of 4 Kuhlis (2 black and 2 striped) in one of my 10 gallons, and I see them all the time. :nod: The little guys are a riot, and are always swimming around the sides of the tank, exploring the bases of the plants, or just squirming over each other. I would love to get more, but they are kinda hard to find around here.

They get about 3-4 inches, usually, with the females being fatter. :nod: And they should definitely be in groups...the bigger the better. :thumbs:

Great little fish. I love my Kuhlis. :wub:
i want some lol they look and what people are saying they are cool can i fot any in my current tank?
Hmmm..... OK so I have 3 kuhlis in my 55 gal and I see them ALL the time, day and night, especially at meal time. I'm getting 3-6 more after christmas. I have 5 asst danios and 2 silver dollars in the same tank. I have a sand substrate and have made rock formations with aquarium sealant to give lots of hiding places. They LOVE omega one shrimp pellets. I think the sand makes them really happy too.
I'm still not so great on stocking but if I were you I'd take the clown back and exchange for Kulhis, get at least 3. Clowns (I am told) prefer to be in groups and need more space than a 20g as they get huge. Kulhis do fine in smaller tanks though. Also remember they take up a different "strata" than the other fish and that factors into stocking levels (like you could possibly have more than the "inch per gallon"). Wait for someone else to chime in on the stocking though.
Anyway....You will LOVE them. I just adore mine :wub:
clown is being moved when he gets bigger, 3inch maybe 4 inch, he is currently 1 inch
Oh OK I just read your other post. yeah so go ahead and get like 3 kulhis and however many neons should be good too. :D I always enjoy an excuse to get a bigger tank anyway :lol:
:p Yeah Kuhlis are great little guys! :) They do like to be kept in bigger groups but I've found that if you only keep about 3 or 4 you will still see them alot!

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