Coolie Loach?


New Member
Feb 20, 2006
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what does anyone know about them, I think they are kinda cool looking, at my lfs, theyh ave some that are small and dont have like yellow or orange bands on them, they are all black, is it because they are young or??? and also are they good for comunity, I would like to know for future cause I think my 29gall is full but for future refrence :)
I keep a group of 3 almost fully grown khuli loach in my 12UK gallon tank, they do fine, I hardly see them in the day or feeding time, they come out more around bedtime nighttime and early morning. When they are out and about they are very lively and always play with each other, they are with a small plec a couple of black widows and a group of neons, none of them hassel or are hasseled by the loaches, in my opinon if you can offer them the hiding places and a soft substrate, go for it :)
What you found are black khuli loaches(yes there's 2 kinds commonly sold). They are exactly the same as the regular striped ones just different colouring. They get along great with anything, just make sure there isn't competition for food as khulis are shy and slow grazers and should be housed with very fine gravel or sand and have plenty of hiding spaces which will encourage them to come out more. They need to be in schools of 3 or more.

Here's pictures of my 7 khuli loaches i had in a 35 gallon.



You know what, IM mad at my self know cause I JUST took sand out of my 10gall like a month ago and but gravel in it, ARGGG, LOL LOL, THANKS ALL for the advice, One more question, would they do "ok" with other bottom feeders like corries? or would they fight?
Cool! AWSOME! Thanks! I love corries to, I LOVE the panda corries, LOL but thats OT, but THANKS EVERYONE! for the info!
(yes there's 2 kinds commonly sold). They are exactly the same as the regular striped ones just different colouring.

Not entirely true :p There could be over 7 different species sold under the name 'kuhli loach', and it's unlikely you will find the true kuhli loach among them. I find black kuhlis to be more outgoing and active, but I've had most of my group for just under a year now (which has one black kuhli and around 10 'normal' ones) and as soon as food goes in they're all out and about, all over the tank.
i myself have been inquiring on buying a khulie loach in my local aquatists they
are £1.50 is that a reasonable price?
they are boss arnt they.
good luck
i myself have been inquiring on buying a khulie loach in my local aquatists they
are £1.50 is that a reasonable price?
they are boss arnt they.
good luck


Sounds reasonable to me, they are very social though so get at least 3 or you will never see it. More is better.

Emma :D
they grow no more than 3 inches. Be sure to keep a group. They are super social. We bought 6, but 3 died. i don't believe that they need sand or other soft substartes. Their fine with normal substrte.

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