Cool Vacuum


Fish Fanatic
Dec 25, 2003
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I just ordered a new type of gravel vacuum from It is made by Marineland. It is a vac that hooks up to the airpump that allows you to remove gunk in the tank without doing a water change. This is great if you overfeed or have a lot of fish that put out a lot of waste. Everyone should check it out. :)
cool is it that green one that outs water back in the tank? i get there cataloge and they had something like that and i guess thats what ur talking about. would love to have one but dont have the money. glad to hear someones getting one. tell me how good it works when u get it.
Mine is actually the Extendable Air Vacuum (the 7.99 one) just used it today, it works great. :D P.S. Foster Smith has a siphon starter too. Its only 8.99 Catalog # KC-602760

I'm guessing the thing does actually suck up water, but then returns it to the tank?
Bol said:

I'm guessing the thing does actually suck up water, but then returns it to the tank?
:/ I have heard this is no good, because it sucks up the gunk, but because it returns the water to the tank (same gunky water), it is not as beneficial as say the "python", because you dont get the unseen gunk out of water. So you take this time to vacuum the gunk, but you still need to perform a water change.

With the python, you handle both task with one motion. :/
I use a long piece of bendy tube I hooked to a larger end and its set up so it won't suck up my baby apple snails with a little screen. Works really well for my snail tanks. No issues yet, never have had a problem starting it after the first time a long, long time ago. That thing is ancient.....
They should make an attachment where you connect a vacuum to a power filter. 'Cept I use the vacuum to do water changes too, so I prefer to just get the water out of there anyway. I guess I might vacuum more often if I didn't have to move water around too.
I used to use an air operated gravel vacuum about 30 years ago. Was like a tube about 25mm in diameter with an air inlet near the bottom. The air entrained water to flow up the tube and the crud that came with it was caught in a little cloth bag.
I had one of those air operated ones before, I didnt think much of it to be honest, but then I have high standards!! It was too weak to really suck the dirt out, a syphon one is much better.

At the moment I have three gravel cleaners, one standard syphon one for backup, an Eheim Sludge Extractor


and a Hagen 3 in 1 multivac cleaner:

The 3 in 1 is great for starting the syphon action with the batteries, then letting it syphon out itself, and also comes with a cloth bag for cleaning without removing water. I also use it to pump water back in using a tube. It is a bit delicate, I broke three so far!

The Eheim is indestructible, but leaves a fine cloud in the water if youve got lots of bogwood dust like I have. You cant attatch a pipe to it to do water changes though.

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