Cool PC Powered LED Idea


New Member
Jun 30, 2004
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Ok as we all know LED lights are very expensive! Well if you love computers and your fish then you will probably like this idea. All you need is a pc near your fish tank (within 10-20 ft), with an available USB port, that is kept on all night. (Most computer fanatics dont shut their computers off becuase as most people know, the comuter takes up little power, it is the screen that sucks up the most.)


One: You will need to buy an LED light stick. sells them for 2 sizes, 2 mini's (3.1" x 1" x 1.4), or one large (11.8" x .5" x .5"), both of which cost $13.99.

Two: A USB extension cable. this plugs into your USB port and is run to your fish tank. These come in many sizes. I found one at that was 10 ft long for only $5.94.

Three: Some way to mount the LED(s) to your hood. If you buy the mini's you could tape them by their stands, screw them in, doubled sided tape ect. If you get the large its a bit harder but depending on your hood you should be able to find a simple way.


Long & Mini LED Strips - $13.99 (

10 ft. USB Extension Cable - $5.94 (

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