Cool New Barb


Fish Crazy
Apr 10, 2007
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I'm finally selling my Boulengerochromis microlepis, and the man who is buying it says he will toss this in for free:

He says the name is "Blue Tor", similar to "Tor" but smaller. He also says it looks just like the fish in the picture.

Can somebody give me some info on something called a "Tor barb?" Are whatever fish this is?

Thanks, will look forward to it, probably because I've been unable to find at least 1% of info on the internet.
All the Tor species, (Mahseers), are powerful fish that grow to a good size. Even the "Dwarf Mahseer" is a 200+mm species. In suitable sized groups, a big tank is needed.

The fish in the picture looks like what I have always called Barbus daruphani, (Lemon Finned Barb). This has apparently been synonymised with Hypsibarbus wetmorei which, whilst I won't dispute as it comes from a reputable source, does suprise me. H. wetmorei is another well known tank buster.
Is an asp page, shows only an oriental home. If Barbus daruphani is young H. wetmorei, there is nothing more to be said, a famous tank buster. I have only ever kept young B. daruphani, and got rid of them at ~150mm, they ate the plants! They certainly were deeper when they went then when they arrived.
No good info at all :( I'll have to risk it, and as the guy whos buying the cichlid says, I can sell him if I dont want him because he's(His kin) are in great demand in Korea right now.
If they are in great demand, why is he giving it away? Are you sure he's not just trying to get rid of something he can't shift?

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