Convincing whether to upgrade my 100 gallon or not?


Fish Fanatic
Dec 2, 2023
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Sri lanka
In the current context of maintaining a 100 gallon aquarium for nano fish contrast to (cichlids) was a reason I couldn't sustain my 100 gallon tank due to digging up of substrates and plants by cichlids.
The softscapes that you invest your time, money and knowledge to make art is destroyed over territory, aggression and predatory behaviour by cichlids and other larger fish.
Now that it's been close to a year with a planted tank setup and nano-fish it's more nature that is nutured in a space of a day 24/7.
The challenges are high and demanding from where its gona take you in the months to come than larger fish and bare bottom tanks.
So I always fancied a big tank preferably a 700 gallon however, I don't have the space to accommodate it in the current context.
I don't want to go that road one tank, two tank then 10, 11, 12, 13 tanks etc. I gave that up before covid and now very grateful and content with my 100 gallon. So do I need an upgrade is the question?
There is never a need. Do you want to upgrade?

I'm having a coffee early in a Canadian day, pretending we're in a cafe somewhere warm and talking. There are all kinds of factors to balance. Is there a specific fish species you want to keep in a larger tank? What do you want to create with it? Is it an upgrade you're thinking about, or a completely different project?
There is never a need. Do you want to upgrade?
Yes my wants for the year 2024 are my aspirations. Your Right I don't need it. I would be kidding my self as a fish hobbiest that I don't want an upgrade someday.

I'm having a coffee early in a Canadian day, pretending we're in a cafe somewhere warm and talking. There are all kinds of factors to balance. Is there a specific fish species you want to keep in a larger tank? What do you want to create with it? Is it an upgrade you're thinking about, or a completely different project?
The 100 gallon aquarium was earlier boxed with cichlids (green terrors, texas, oscars, jaguars, fire mouths, archers, catfish, discus, angles etc.)
I also had a court Yard gallery with 3 x 90 gallons, 4 x 40 gallons, 1 x 180 gallon fibreglass tank. In my garden 2 x 1meter cubic tanks and 1 x 1000 gallon tank. I had monsters, arowanas and catfish in them with livebearers and small to medium size fish.
Now that I'm running only on the 100 gallon, I'm looking at a riverbed, jungle theme setup with schooling fish and a eco-system for them to colonise.
The upgrade project in mind is for the 100 gallon once it fill up with fish and plants.
There are all kinds of factors to balance
My methods are mostly DIY and Natural organic approaches for aquascaping and aquariums which I built.
I am a little confused so will attempt to clarify. You have the 100 and are looking for something after it is mature as a planted and nano fish tank, or you are wanting to do the 100 as a planted and nano fish tank (my favorite kind)?

If it is the latter, then that's a great idea. If it's the former, then hear me out because it sounds like you have both the room and means to do something like this.

How about something like a big L or really long wall or room divider. Long, low and wide -- like 8-10 feet long x 18-24" wide x 18-20" tall. Plumb it so it has slow but obvious linear flow. Do lights perpendicular to the front and have different low-med-high light areas. Plant and hardscape with some wide open spaces and a few corners and islands of tall and thick hardscape and vegetation. Add in several schools of 30-50 of each type of a handful of nanos, and let it ride.
wanting to do the 100 as a planted and nano fish tank (my favorite kind)?
It's definitely the latter in the 100g. It has transformed the bare bottom tank into a planted setup with schooling fish with alot of admires that come to my space.

If it's the former, then hear me out because it sounds like you have both the room and means to do something like this.
Noahm, you are 100% correct. I do have the means to do a new project however, I do have other plans set for the year and not prioritising any new projects at present.

How about something like a big L or really long wall or room divider. Long, low and wide -- like 8-10 feet long x 18-24" wide x 18-20" tall. Plumb it so it has slow but obvious linear flow. Do lights perpendicular to the front and have different low-med-high light areas. Plant and hardscape with some wide open spaces and a few corners and islands of tall and thick hardscape and vegetation. Add in several schools of 30-50 of each type of a handful of nanos, and let it ride.
Wow, this is a definite yes. This is the real deal someday. It's either the room or somewhere inside my space. Reading similar interest of fellow fish hobiest around the world make you appreciate the hobby and cherish it much more. So thank you very much noahm for reading my mind.
I too have dreams :D. I just don't have the right spot in this house for something more than maybe a 40G breeder. It's not even a small house, but a weirdly inefficient layout with almost no place for even a medium sized tank without being awkward.

I am much more about building nice-looking ecosystems (not strictly biotype), than I am about the specific fish or any particular species. I like to plan based on the ecosystem niche or design need rather than some species of plant, fish, shrimp, or other thing. It sounds like you have a similar approach in the 100G. It's the length I want to work with plant and hardscape-wise, getting to see a group of fish explore very different areas and make their favorite spots, but not have the restriction of too little open space with groundcover only or even just some bare sand.

Do you have some pics of the 100 somewhere? If not, post some when you find the time.
It's the length I want to work with plant and hardscape-wise, getting to see a group of fish explore very different areas and make their favorite spots, but not have the restriction of too little open space with groundcover only or even just some bare sand.
This I totally agree gona make a 10 to 12 feet long aquarium someday in the future.
My 100 gallon is long enough to work as 3 sections of 35 gallon breeders with the soft & hard scspes as fish spawning sites. When all 3 spawning sections are insync it gives you action among the fish and Young fry surviving predators. Right now got 1 lemon tetra fry that made it about 50 days old.
For a clear view the pics you requested are below with natural light and 120cm LED light.
It sounds like you have a similar approach in the 100G.
I would have gone bigger and longer if I had space at the time of setting-up the tank. For now working with the 100 gallon is all I got.
It's not even a small house, but a weirdly inefficient layout with almost no place for even a medium sized tank without being awkward.
Ohh sorry to hear that! This hobby can be enjoyed at public aquariums, zoo's if you can't get what you want it to be due to the lack of space or I would settle for a nano-aquarium.


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Tank looks great!

I have planted the seeds for the idea of a 75G with 40G sump/fuge, and we are likely to move a bit closer to my daughters school so...probably just have to wait. A 125 Long is a nice size too. 72" x 18" x 21". I once bought one for about $100 but never had the spot for it. I also found out glasscages is right close, so maybe just go custom. They will cut and polish pieces as well and I imagine drill. All things I could do, but the prices seem overall reasonable so maybe go that route.
Tank looks great!

I have planted the seeds for the idea of a 75G with 40G sump/fuge, and we are likely to move a bit closer to my daughters school so...probably just have to wait. A 125 Long is a nice size too. 72" x 18" x 21". I once bought one for about $100 but never had the spot for it. I also found out glasscages is right close, so maybe just go custom. They will cut and polish pieces as well and I imagine drill. All things I could do, but the prices seem overall reasonable so maybe go that route.
Well you could build it or go custom. 12mm glass would do for a 125 Long. I love building my own tanks and taking up those projects. The max size I have built is 48 x 18 x18. Custom tanks are expensive where I live if its imported. You could also do a DIY sump filter and place it above your tank so during power cuts your sump won't overflow. That's how mine gets filtered. Since I used plastic containers ( 5 ×1 litre containers with filter media) with covers it's easy to clean during water flow intake from DIY filter. Hope you get what your looking for.

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