Unfortunately both of those fish are unsuitable tankmates for the fish you listed. Frontosa require specialist conditions that don't suit the fish you listed, and also grow big enough to eat some of them. While convicts are too aggressive for the existing fish, and possible will eat the smaller fish given the chance.
what could go in there then because the tank looks empty atm the bigest fish in the tank atm is the guppies and i want some cichlids again the tank is 33US GAL had 2 8"oscars in till sunday and now started 2 restock it ideas
2 8" oscars is overstocking it by some way. Since you have guppies there aren't many 'large' cichlids you could have due to the risk of them eating the guppies. Perhaps Honduran Red Point cichlids might work, they look very similar to convicts but grow a tad smaller and are more mellow.
is it only the guppies the problem cos to b honest im not bothered if the get eaten or not as i didnt want them in the first place my sister got them wen she went to get all the new stock
what wud work best
I think all of them fish will get battered by cons if you have them all in a 30G. The BNs might be ok but i wouldnt risk it. The clowns can get to over 1 foot long so will need to go.