Convicts, Dug A Hole.


Fish Fanatic
Aug 11, 2008
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I have a 29 gal tank and a pair of convicts with 2 juvi texas cichlids, I dont know if the convicts will beat them up? Right now they do seem to be hiding near the heater on the opposite side of the tank, have not seen the convicts dart at them yet. Any advice?
then theres a good chance that there are eggs in the tank the, mine had my oscar quivering in the corner-quite literally- when they were raising fry,the egss are quite hard to see obviously,but if they are there you will see them in a few days swimming about, then i expect all hell will break loose
Pretty good chance as they are convicts, however I think a bigger problem is the overstocking in your tank.
convicts breed for fun - i mean they just breed and breed, when i had them, they would dig a nest and protect it big time - expect some fights here and there as they protect the nest.

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