Convict x texas???


Push it to the limts
Jul 24, 2004
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Canada BC, VanCouver IsLand
I was at my LFS and they have a tank of convict x Texas cichlids they look alot like a con but the face is a bit diffrent, does anyone have one of them? im so tempted to get one and they are only like 6 bucks!
I was at my LFS and they have a tank of convict x Texas cichlids they look alot like a con but the face is a bit diffrent, does anyone have one of them? im so tempted to get one and they are only like 6 bucks!

how big?? how about if I send you $10 USD and you buy one and send it to me, then I'll tell you how it does lol.
I have seen some con x tex and they looked like dull texas cichlids.I could probably find the pics.
they kinda look like a texas x jaguar cichlid. it looks like a texas only darker, no stripes, and shiny spots.

It also gets bigger than the average convict or texas.

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