Convict fry

I have had 2 groups of fry from 2 different pair. Currently I have 2 pair that have fry. I just feed them crushed flakes and they look really healthy. I know not much info but hope it helps you. Chad

Well thats what im tryin, finel crushed flakes and lets hope they do well!

I use sinking bottom feeder shrimp pellets. They soften after a few minutes in the water which allows the fry to eat them. Plus the protein content is higher than in most fish flakes so the fry will grow faster. Either that or use freshly hatched brine shrimp.
i am getting a 60 as well but i have a couple of jack dempseys to put in
i think that you should put a bunch of convicts in there hahha!!!!! it would really make your tank stand out!!!!!!!!

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