Convict Fish Fry?


New Member
Jul 6, 2008
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2 months ago, my son's 2 convict fish hatched about a 100 fry. I never seen
the eggs, or them in thier wiggler state. I just all of a sudden seen tons of
babies in the tank! Now 8wks later we've got 40 babies left that are close
to an inch long in a seperate tank!

This past weekend I seen new eggs from the parents. I removed them and
put them in a tank by theirself. They finally started hatching this past Wednesday
night, and by Thursday evening they'd all hatched. Friday morning they were
all over the bottom of the tank. As of today they are still wiggling around.

I have tried looking everywhere to find out the stages they go thru. And how
long each stage lasts. I found one place that siad they are wigglers for about
2 days, then should be swimming around the tank. Ours aren't. And they
are wiggling if I tap on the tank. They look to be on their sides and back??

Is this normal?? Where can I find more information on how they develope?
I have purchased a special baby food for them from my local pet store. I fed
the other babies it and they grew like crazy! But I didn't see them until after
they became swimmers!

I hope someone can help me figure this out! Thanks in advance!
Well doesnt look like you posted over in the new worlds section so I'll come to you.

Beyond livebearers, prob one of the easiest fish to get to breed are convict cichlids. They will readily pair with almost any member of the opposite sex of their species and then before you know it, you're in the predicament you are in. Cons can breed very rapidly as you have seen. Im not sure on the exact length of each period of their life, as I have never bred them personally, but the first thing I would do, is try and find an lfs that will buy these from you, or atleast allow you to "donate" the hundreds of fry you will rear per year for some store credit perhaps. If this doesn't work, maybe a friend of yours or your son has larger omnivorous or predatory fish? If so, home raised fry that are fed a healthy and balanced diet can be some of the best feed for larger fish.

But for now, Im sure they are a little unsure looking because the parents will typically keep the wigglers safe in a cave/ pit in the substrate until they are stronger and can swim independently. Feed them crushed flaked until they grow larger and keep excellent water quality to ensure survival.

Ox :good:
Well doesnt look like you posted over in the new worlds section so I'll come to you.

But for now, Im sure they are a little unsure looking because the parents will typically keep the wigglers safe in a cave/ pit in the substrate until they are stronger and can swim independently. Feed them crushed flaked until they grow larger and keep excellent water quality to ensure survival.

Ox :good:

Thanks! I just got home, so just now getting online. We went out of town early this morning.
I know the water and temp are fine. I'm giving them crushed flake and some stuff from the
pet store that has a mixture of frozen things. The other batch grew very rapidly on it.

I do have 2 local stores that want however many I will take them. They said they'd give me
$1 store credit for each. My kids however don't want to let the "babies" go! We are hoping to
cash in enough fish eventually to get a 55gallon and stand. They gave me a price of $149 for
the tank, and are checking on the stand, although my husband said he may just build one.
At the moment we've got 3 tanks. 29 gallon, 5gallon, and 2.5 gallon. So we definately need
a bigger tank!


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