Convict Compatibility.

The October FOTM Contest Poll is open! Fish of the Month
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Sep 30, 2006
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Birmingham, Alabama
My cousin is getting rid of all of his chichlids because he wants to keep a great variety of fish. He has a full grown convict that is atleast 2 years old. In my main tank I have a 5 inch Oscar, a 8 inch Severum, 3 silver dollars and two kissing fish; the kissing fish are kind of small. Non of the other fish bother each other and eveyrthing is peaceful right now. I am wondering if the convict would create an uproar in my tank and cause the fish to start fighting? Also, would he kill my kissing fish. I am not really worried about him hurting the Oscar or Severum. I have a 75 Gallon now but I am upgrading to a much bigger tank within a month. I am getting an insurance settlement so I can get any size I want. I know that the fish will out grow the tank.
The Convicts might kill the kissing fish but when that Oscar gets fully grown he will probebly be able to gulp down just about all your fish.

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