Convict Cichlids Just Had Babies?


Fish Fanatic
Mar 5, 2009
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hey guys my convict laid eggs a few days ago and today i saw a heap of little fish swiming. i hav a 3ft 150L tank with a heap of fish in it. i also have a little 30L tank which i want to put the little fish in so they dont get eaten, but i dont no when i should put them in there, do i do it now or a day or 2??
also what do i feed the little fish?
Well they're Cichlids so they will look after their own young. You said you saw a heap of litle fish swimming, where were they, if they were near the parents then they're looking after them. But separating them is a good option too.
well i separated about half into another tank,
so what do i feed them?
Do you have brineshrimp or any sort of culture, if not then finely ground flake food will have to do, I find that cichlids aren't that fussy on food stuff but for the best growth food I would get some brineshrimp eggs to hatch.
Shoot Athena a PM or search for some similar topics as there is heaps around. My convicts had their first batch over a month ago....ate them all....within 24hrs had laid again. They are great parents but it takes a while to get the hang of it. What stocking is your 3ft. Do you have room to keep fry permanently.

A few tips:

- they love crystal clean water and tank conditions
- the parents will do most of the looking after and warding off other fish
- they dont eat as much as the big fish so try not to over feed them.

I went to ebay and bought a clear plastic box that attaches to the side of my tank/inside and i saved some fry and put them in there. I am on week 3 and nearly at week 4. I have 4 fry left out of 50ish. The 4 in the box love it. They are now swimming up to the top of the box and chasing each other around. The box is great because it has a mini filter attached to it and an air stone can plug into it. I will snap some pics this week for you so you can see the babies. I only saved a few because its the way nature intended things in my tank. Convicts will breed and breed so i wouldnt worry to much about saving some of the 1st batch.

I feed mine ground up food. I simply grind up what i feed my adult cichlids. I give them Spectrum Grow - New Life.

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