Converting To Marine - Juwel Rio 240


Mar 11, 2009
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Howdy all, I've owned fish for about 18 months now and I'm on my third tropical tank, a 240L rio, but I'm bored of the current set-up and due to my local water a bit restricted as to what I can have freshwater-wise. I'm trying to think of ways to restock it, or upgrade it (to a 400L)

However, without spending money faffing around with altering the PH to have the fish i fancy, or faffing with loads of CO2 and nutrients to go planted, then im only left with SA cichlids in a 240L or 400L which isnt overly appealing, Instead of going that way I've though maybe it would be better value for money to convert the 240L to marine. I've read the stickies so sort of know what I need to do, the questions I have are...

I bought the tank second hand, I'm unsure what it housed in the past and weather it has been exposed to chemicals of certain types.. (I've read marine tanks must have never come into contact with...something, what is this.. the only thing i've put in it personally is ESHA2000)

What model of skimmer would be recomended for a tank of this size?
What size sump would i need?
how much live rock and sand?
What fish would be recomended when starting up as fish only... (I would add live rock gradually, a few KGs to start with i think?
What luminairre is an easy fit to a rio 240? And are there any energy efficient LED ones out there that can sustain corals? (Dont wanna be using 300W of lighting all day every day)

Thanks for any answers
What model of skimmer would be recomended for a tank of this size?

a deltec mce600 would be good for this once you take into account sump volume etc

What size sump would i need?

id say you want to aim for 120L

how much live rock and sand?

its usually 1lb per gallon, or in england 1kg per 2.2 gallons

What fish would be recomended when starting up as fish only... (I would add live rock gradually, a few KGs to start with i think?

your best off adding the rock in one go if you can, as it can cause cycles and release ammonia. plus you would have to re-scape your tank everytime you bought some. as for fish, clownfish would be good a nice paie, blennys, small wrasse, cardinals, hawk fish

What luminairre is an easy fit to a rio 240? And are there any energy efficient LED ones out there that can sustain corals? (Dont wanna be using 300W of lighting all day every

you need to decide what corals you want to keep for this. as different types require more or less lights than others. there are LEDS that will be enough for some corals. you need to decide on fish too as some fish arent good with corals

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