Converting Shed Into Fish House


Formerly: Catfish Are Cool
Apr 30, 2006
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Cheshire, UK
I was wondering how easy, or whether it would be possible to convert a shed into a fish house. I know people have done it before, but I was wondering how easy and expensive it is.
The shed I could use is a 69x46" floor space shed, with useable height of arround 5/6 foot. A door which is 34" wide is on one of the 46" walls. The floor is wooden, with wooden struts underneath for support, Im not sure if its layed on a concrete or concrete slab or brick base, but I would assume it is...
As far as I know, the roof is waterproof, weve never had loads of water pour in before...
Basicall, I would build a stand for the tank (any thoughts on method would be good. It doesnt need to look good, just be super strong) and the tank would come from Windsor Aquatics (cheapest out of the 6 companys I have looked at and the people I have heard the most good about) and would be 48x30x24 (LXWXH) or if anyone has any better ideas for use of the space then that would be good. The shed is used for storing wood in winter, so some of the storeage next to the stand, and under, would need to be for large bags of wood. Depending on space after putting in the big(er) tank, I may move the 38g, or the 18g, or both at some point. I will be getting an electrician in soonish to have a look at expenses of getting some power points installed out there.
Now, the part I need help on. For insulation, how would be best to do it, and would I need to do the floor, the ceiling and the walls, or would the walls only suffice? For heating, would it be best to simply heat the tank, or the whole room using an electric heater, and how much power would it need?
The other thing I thought could work, would be to heat the tank using a couple of 300w heaters, and insulating under the tank (i.e under the plyboard and polystrene), ontop (above the cover glass) and up the back and sides. I could also house the external filters in boxes and line the inside of those with insulation. Could that work or would it just be pointless?

Thanks, and any help would be much appreciated. Mike
For insulating the ceiling is the most important part, heat rises so this is where most of the heat is lost but you will need to insulate all the wall as well and if possible under floor, a lot of cold comes from the ground and especially in the wet winter months. The best insualtion you can get is the foil backed polyurathane sheet but its quite expensive, the cheapest place i found was screwfix when i was ordering the insualtion for my fish house you do really need to insulate the building and not just the tank otherwise your heaters will be fighting against temperatures of -4 or more in the winter.

If its just the one tank then you would be better off just heating the tank, however if you are going to the expence of having electric installed and insualting the shed then i would deffinately be putting a rack down one wall to hold a few tanks but unless you have over 1000 watts in heaters you are still better off just heating the tanks.
Righty ho.
Weve been having a look in there tonight, and there def isnt enough room for a rack, its really small...Im thinking it will need to go along the back wall, otherwise viewing and maintenance will be a right pain...Im think of going 40" buy 36 and 24 high, but ill have to get a quote first to see how much it would be. The other thing I may have to do if its too small is just go 4x2x2, but that would kinda decimate my plans really.
Thanks for the link on insulation CFC :good: Would the floor insulation need to actually go under the sheds wood, or could it go on the floor (would it crush under the weight?).
Does anyone know of a good place to get hold of some (suitable) polystrene in the UK?

Cheers, Mike

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