Converting My 60x30x30 To Marine - Few Queries?


stuck between a rock and a fish tank
Fish of the Month 🌟
May 4, 2004
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I'm just gathering infor at the present but I;m going to change my exising freshwater tank to a fish only marine tank

I will finance some of the changeover with some of the tropical fish which I'll get a few quid for

I'm reading through journals on here gathering advice and info but one question I have is how much would an avertage water change cost ona tank this size. its 150g (uk)

Once tank is empty I can use my existing external and lights and my initial outlay would be skimmer, powerhead,live rock, salt, hydrometer? anything more do you think.

It currently has argos play sand as a substrate what substrate would you guys recomend?

Basic questions i know but I;ve kept freshwater for 18 yrs and this will be a whole new experience and place me as a newbie again!!

cheers Simon
If you are keeping preds, then im guessing FOWLR just from reading your other thread?
Then you dont need a reef grade salt. You will ned to do roughly a 10% water change once a week, maybe a bit less if you stock lightly. Just to keep ontop of that water quality. You also will get away woith running the tank at less than the 1.026 that reef tanks are ran at and will save you a bit there.

You can probably get a 25KG tub for £40 ish. i always run my tank at 35ppt or 1.026. At 26 degrees it take me roughly 35grams of salt per litre to get to 35ppt. So you will be able to get away with running a bit less. Id buy an RO unit for a tank that size. Or you will be paying £2-3 for every 25L jerry can of water from a fish shop, save a lot off hastle and back ache too.

Dont use a hydrometer get a refratometer. A bit more accurate.
RO unit aswel
Marine test kits

Any aragonite substrate is fine. Crushed coral or play sand. So long as its aragonite, i would start again with fresh though.
cheers Ben big help that mate
I;ve been reading through journals as well for inspiration and advice. I;m going to get a sump tank as well cos mine is on a stand and theres space for a 16inch high 3dt wide and up to 5ft long tank underneath. Not sure how sumps work but I gather it increases the capacity f the tank minimising any change in water parameter change? If I keep live rock would I put that in the sump or leave the sump empty? or would it be best to have LR in sump and the tank depending on finances?

The more I;m looking at threads the more I;m liking the smaller colourful fish but I am a little torn and need to do lots more researc as I would also love to keep a standard puffer and snowflake moray if possible but I fancy the snowflake to be more predatory than the lionfish I always wanted!!

last question for now how compatible with smaller fish are the porcupine puffers you commonly see for sale?
#33###!!! the aquarium calculator says I require 354 kg's of live rock to maintain the tank without filtration!!!

if i keep using my external filter and a protein skimmer how much live rock roughly would i require?

lots of questions sorry but this idea is snowballing and I can picture myself looking at some lovely marine fish over next 6 months!! the wife will kill me!!
I have a bit of live rock in my sump. But its mainly full of equipment and a macro algae section to help with nutrient reomval.

I usually work on 1LB per gallon of Live rock. You dont get it in LBs here though But theres 2.2lb per kilo.

One thing i would reccomend, read all the TOTM threads on other sites and make very sure FOWLR is what you want. As if you later decide on a reef, buying equipment twice gets a bit expensive!
I have a bit of live rock in my sump. But its mainly full of equipment and a macro algae section to help with nutrient reomval.

I usually work on 1LB per gallon of Live rock. You dont get it in LBs here though But theres 2.2lb per kilo.

One thing i would reccomend, read all the TOTM threads on other sites and make very sure FOWLR is what you want. As if you later decide on a reef, buying equipment twice gets a bit expensive!

cheers Ben I'll have a good look at those tonight cos if I look anymore in work I;ll probably get the sack!!!

btq your external....will need a lot more maintainance when you switch the marine. It will get full of gunk really quickly and if you dont clean it regular then you can get nitrates building up from there. A lot of people use them along side live rock. So they offer no filteration, they are cleaned really regular and just 'polish' the water. Also a good place for some Live rock rubble and phos remover.

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