Converting My 5 Footer To Fowlr Any Stocking Ideas


Fact. Bears eat beets. Bears.Beets.Battlestar
Oct 7, 2008
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well my ive recently started a small 2ft tank for corals so im gonna go for fowlr in my 5 footer

its a rio 400

ill start with the equipment

it has

a v2 400 skimmer (do i need this if im just having fish and some inverts)
a serifill 1300 external filter with lr rubble in
300w heater
powerheads that give 103x turn over an hour
and 120w of light wich is irrelivent i guess
and a a 400 or 600 uv unit

now the current stock #

1 4 inch maroon with yellow striped clown
1 3-4 inch yellow tang
1 1-2 inch common file fish
1 2 inch electric blue damsel
1 2 inch yellow damsel
1 12 inch engineer goby

a few turbo
about 20 algea hermits

id like

a porky puffer but would he eat the small fish and inverts

a trigger fish but would he do the same

id also like a cleaner wrasse

any thoughts or suggestions and such

any help apreciated thanks bae
oh and heres a pic if it helps

ive been trying to think of a name of a fish for hours all i could think of was --- a poor mans blank-------- i just remembered its a wimples fish but ime guessing its dorsal fins trail would be a damsels prime target :angry:
I would love the trigger and porky and have toyed with the same idea myself, i just cant bring myself to sell my anemones.

And yes the porky will eat all your inverts unless massive

Seffie x
would he also eat my brittle stars forgot about them and yeah i know what you mean about the nems unfortunatly i dont have that problem anymore

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