Hey i am looking to convert my rekord 96 from tropical to a nano reef. I am going to use an Arcadia 4 tube T5 luminare for the lighting and around 10kg live rock. The tanks capacity is about 23 uk gallons. I was just wondering what words of advice anyone has and also how much live sand will i need, what is the opninion on a skimmer, a rough estimation of costs. I have read through the pinned articles and read up on the fish i want to keep - Percula Clowns a young pair. i would like some corals also. Would anyone recommend another external filter aswell as the live rock or just live rock? Also will i need to use a larger poerhead and keep the juwel one for extra circulation or should i just remove the whole juwel filter? I appreciate that i still have more reading to do but any advice would be much appreciated!