Converting (FO) to a REEF?


New Member
Dec 19, 2004
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Hello- I have been reading alot of information on how to convert my 55 gal. fish only tank to a reef tank. I read about the BULLETPROOF method and have been thinking about going with the Deep Sand Bed method. My tank as it stands now is a 55 gal. with 2 POWERHEAD 802 on each side facing each other on high. a heater at 78 degrees a red sea Protein skimmer, A Biological trickle wet/dry filter, 260 watt light which Includes two 21" 65 watt Actinic and two 21" 65 watt 10000°K bulbs (straight pin base). live rock, and live sand which is about 1.5-2 in deep. I have a yellow tang, cardinal fish, damsel and a zebra eel. I think from what I have read my lighting is sufficient. I need to have at least 4 in deep of live sand. How much more sand do I need to purchase? I read that I also need to buy some GRUNGE from Garf's website. Any help greatly appreciated. Thanks
I'm about to endeavour in the same process myself on my 5 gallon. Except I am not even up to live rock/sand yet. Let us know how it goes when you do it... I'll be interested.
Well, you may want to rethink your choice in fish for your reef. Not that it cant be done, but I have found that eels, tangs, and damsels stunt the growth of the reef. To much picken on every thing eles in the tank. Eels tend to wrap there bodies around things you dont want them too. I have a rule I follow when it comes to fish in my reefs "If your going to put a fish in your reef, it needs to have a job to do."
In other words, if you are wanting to keep bristle worms in check, it is ok to get a six line wrasse. Any thing that doesnt have a job is just there to polute and pick at rock and disturb coral. Hope that makes sence to you. It was when I put this rule in effect that my reefs really took off. The photo below is right after I took my fish out. I sold it a just last month and wish I would have taken a photo to prove my point to you. Hope that your reef does well. Take Care
I think what he was stating fish wise is what he has already. The eel and damsel might put a dent in your reef later on once you have crabs, snails, and stars in there. The damsel will turn evil once he establishes his "new" environment. Navare told me to always stay away from damsels at all costs unless the tank is going to be just that kind of fish. Other than that the tang and cardinal are going to do just fine! I plan on getting more LR and stronger lighting but ATM I just dont have the cash. GL to you.
Tangs grow fast, a 55 gallon really is not big enough for him. They eat so much and polute the water like no other with their waiste. I would have some concerns with that. The Cardinals the only one I would keep. Dont get me wrong I like them all, its just that in a reef that size, I dont think it will do as well as it could.
The mushroom is doing much better the Condy is turning all red I guess it is a done deal. It just won't stay. I tried to put it where there was less current .
xxnonamexx- lighting sounds good, would it be possible to convert your wet dry filter to a sump/ refugium? You could also have a remote deep sand bed which would save you swimming space.

Ramjet- how have you found the six-line wrasse in terms of aggression to other fish and eating shrimp, as I'm considering one but was put off by some sites saying the above?

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