Converting A Salt-water Tank To Tropical


Fish Fanatic
Jun 3, 2007
Reaction score
Sydney, Australia
Hi Everyone!

I have had a 25 gal tank for about 4 months running with a Eheim classic 2217, It had lots of Live Rock in it which is now plain white dead rock (yes i left the tank without any fish in it). Anyways, I want to make this tank a Tropical and I was wondering does anyone have any links or advice on how I would clean the tank and filter so that it will work with Fresh water and not kill the new fish due to salt residue.

Thanks, Rob.
just rinse it super uber well and scrub the insides with viniger water... and rinse like mad again.. same with the filter.. then set it up and let it run for 2 days have the salinity level checked and you should be fine.
yeah just give it a good rinse out. the slight level of salinity left will do no harm to your fish and will probably completely subside after going through the cycling process (i.e. several water changes)
Yup, good rinse. If you have white calcium deposits, as mentioned, use vinegar

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