Converting 10 gal freshwater to saltwater


Fish Crazy
May 16, 2004
Reaction score
new york
I am thinking of converting my current freshwater tank into a saltwater tank. I know mollies can be saltwater fish but I'm not sure how to go about this, I don't want to do anything wrong!

Anyway, it's just a thought for now...need to do more research for that matter. Just wanted to get some opinions for now.
Good to hear that you are considering a Salt water tank.

Just curious, if you have mollies thriving in a freashwater tank may i enquire why you would want to keep them in a saltwater tank?
:alien: i've always wanted a saltwater tank, I'm not 100% sure I want the mollies to be saltwater fish, it was just a thought. I currently have 2 10 gallon freshwater tanks. I would definatly like to convert on of them into salt. About the mollies, I'm a bit overrun with them at the moment. (A friend will be taking some) but I have 11 mollies(about 4 mths old), betta, and 6 platy fry....

I would like to get a damsel or 2, and maybe a clown fish... :alien:

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