Constipated Blue Dwarf


New Member
Feb 18, 2007
Reaction score
Southampton, UK
need some advice on my male blue dwarf that im sure is constipated its got ever so bloated and is getting like the one i lost a few days ago :(

any ideas how to help this little blue before i loose it??

cheers in advance

Shelled peas and don't feed anything else for a few days.
If really bloated and epson salt bath.
Wilder's advice is perfect for constipation - but are you certain the fish is constipated? If you lost another recently, I would suspect an internal infection - dropsy being the symptom you describe - and this requires na anti-internal bacteria med. (though it's probably too late now if this is the problem - is the fish still eating?) This is very common in dwarf gouramies and difficult to cure but good luck :)
Ive taken out my blue dwarf and put it in my nursing tank until i figure out whats wrong.

the poor little fish hasnt given any waste in the past 24hours and doesnt want to eat anything accept live bloodworm im confused as have never seen this in any of my fish???

cheers for the help lets hope i can recover it, any chance of it being pregnant and not able to give birth??

clutching at straws here but gotta ask.

yeah.. due to the way they are bred dwarf gouramis are prone to gut problems/infection.

When my gourami got a bit like this I warmed up some frozen peas in the microwave... shelled them and crushed the rest up with a fork until it was a coarse mush. He loved it - he had green poo's for a week!

GL with yours


ps - bear in mind this could be a symptom of iridovirus infection. Keep a close eye on him in the hospital tank until completely better.
Gouramies don't get pregnant. They lay eggs. Plus it's a male!!!

Is the tank you've moved him to cycled? If not, you're going to cause him more harm than good.

Can you take a picture? If the fish has dropsy, you need to identify it fast and treat with an anti-bacterial med. If it's constipated, you shouldn't be feeding it blackworms - you should be following Wilder's initial advice (and Maximumbob - though you need not microwave :p).

Are the scales sticking up?
Constipated? All mine does is poop! Seriously everytime I look in the tank, hes got a poop string hanging down. :blush:
I'm pretty sure that live daphnia have a good amount of poo-encouraging roughage if he'll only take live food, although i'd prefer a more experienced member to confirm this.
Daphnia is very good for digesting there food, I feed it twice a week.
I will also back up that suggestion. I will often substitute daphnia in for peas if I have a constipated fish with a poor appetite.

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