Constipated Barb!?


Fish Fanatic
Oct 13, 2004
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Van Island, BC, Canada
I have had my barbs for awhile now (at least 3-4 months) and one of the regualr tiger barbs looks very different....they all have big bellies after they eat (little pigs!) but his never seems to go away...he looks very bloated, and on his behind is a brown splotch....(almost looks like something has burst? IDK) it possible that he could be comstipated? He is swimming normally and eating, and acting liek there is nothing wrong with him, so I assume it's not life-threatening. Is there anything they can eat? I feed my oscars peas every now and then to keep them regular, maybe it would do the same thing for barbs?
They dont need to eat everyday...i sometimes have barbs that seem to really bulge up ....I usually dont feed them for 2-3 days and let them work off the excess. Always works for me and i've had my barbs for over a year now. :)
Most barbs are very fond of peas, it is something I feed regulaly. As well as feeding normally, do you see it excreting? Is everything normal when it does?

Females are always deeper and rounder, could it simply be that it is a female?
yes it does excrete, but i dont see it happen i dont think it's a female because it has the deep red nose.

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