Fish Fanatic
lol guys its only pennys, but if we all do it. the carbon dioxcide produced just to keep these leds running is vast! i can see the converstation with your grand kid. lol you got no plante coz we left our lights on!!!!!!!!!!
And one private flight that the president of the US makes will make all this pail into insignificance...
very true, but as i have said in the past. "two wrongs do not a right make!
we all have a responsibility in this, though our part is small, there are many of us. this makes us THE most important people, we can and do drive the production of CO2. each bulb swithched off reduces, by however small an amount, the CO2 produced.
you can hide your head in the sand, and say i cant do anything. or you can stick your head up, and say I WILL DO SOMETHING!
I would imagine i am somewhat older than most of the participents in this thread, my genaration is on the wane, so your actions now will shape the world you live in. i dont know about you, but i couldnt look my grandkids in the face, if i had not tried to do my bit!
Lol, I'm glad to see my "help me" thread has turned into a political debate thread.