Constant Flow


Fish Fanatic
Jan 3, 2011
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Do we need a constant flow, i was thinking (before you laugh hear me out lol) of putting my powerheads on timers too vary the flow to mimic the folw in the wild, i assume this wouldnt matter i was planning on randomly turning on/off opposite powerheads to randomise the flow, would this affect my corals/ livestock or would it be better to have constant flow? Thanks in advance :good:
Thats what Vortechs and all the other wavemakers do, at the moment mine is busy turning on and off and I vary the settings all the time. The alternating flow will reduce the likely hood of dead spots although some pumps aren't desinged to be turned on and off frequently and are noisy when they turn on.
yeah my powerheads are on constantly and i was wanting to alter them to avoid dead spots, im not concerned about the noise the kids drown out the sound anyway :lol: mine are currently on 24/7 and have approx 24x turn over i have x2 3000lph powerheads but only have one on at a time, althoughy i plan on turning then all off at some points then vary L/R i may have missed this bit when i sat for hours researching lol, also wheres best for the flow to be directed? i currently have 2600lph surfacre flow, would the powerheads be best placed directly at the LR and how long for each days? also my plan was too have a small powerhead 500lph blowing behind the rock work to avoid dead spots whjat do you think?
Bear in mind if there not designed for it constant on/off cycles will massively reduce the lifespan of your powerheads.

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