

Fish Connoisseur
Jun 18, 2005
Reaction score
Fresno, CA
I am in discussion on these with an importer.

Any thoughts? discussion?

The undulatus are color dimorphic and I believe in the elegans group by shape.

The bondi are small, and I like small.

I want to see WC sterbai. LOL And the price on sterbai is going up!

Kuhni has convinced me on the red stripe. And I have been eyeing the Venezuelanus for a bit.
These are the Peru red stripe I believe, but will check on the location of the capture. The Orange are being released from qt for insider trading today. But I had thought I wanted the red. Thanks for the heads up. I will look into it.

Check the B. multiradiatus and britskii for snouts.
And I have been eyeing the Venezuelanus for a bit.

I know where you're looking...I'm looking as well. But before I do anything I first need to get my house in order and do some research on them to see if they fit in with my Napoensis (they're still in the hospital tank but looking better). I don't want to have to by another tank. :p
These are the Peru red stripe I believe, but will check on the location of the capture. The Orange are being released from qt for insider trading today. But I had thought I wanted the red. Thanks for the heads up. I will look into it.

Check the B. multiradiatus and britskii for snouts.

Im pretty sure the Red Laser and Orange Laser are 2 different fish.

EDIT: I know they are two different fish.
Agreed, Barracuda, nice to see you around. I was wondering when you were going to stop in to help out!

The Orange are a new shipment and the red have been around for awhile at this source. I am pretty sure they are the Peru variety of colored stripe--like the Peru green stripe (CW009)-- that I have.

I am looking for the most colorful of the varieties. The green are --WOW! and I will check, but I think the reds of this variety are the next flashy.

Do you have any of these I am looking at, Barracuda?

Nope, I see the red stripe is listed on PC as Cw023. So I will have to check more into what I want


red stripe Cw023


Cw 009 and 010
The only ones I have are the green and orange lasers. I dont have any of the others you are talking about, except for the C. venezuelanus and they are nice. I got a breeding group and they spawn non-stop. The green definately show the most color, but the orange are nice too. The C. undulatus definately look like C. elegans.
Thanks, Barracuda. I am still working on the deal.

I hope you stop by more often and say hi! :nod:
Well the bondi are not shipping well, so I am considering just the undulatus and the Venezuelanus. I don't have lots of room. So perhaps I am not crazy enough about the orange stripe as I do have the green. I am still thinkling.

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