Fish Fanatic
Hello everyone. I have absolutely NO experience with marine/saltwater setups but have always wanted to have a reef tank. What has kept me away from it was the stigma it has for being so difficult (and also a bit more pricey but that doesn't bother me too much as it seems worth it) I only have experience with tropical/planted and very little brackish experience. So I guess what i'm trying to get out of this post is a nudge in the right direction. I don't wanna buy anything yet (tank, equipment, stock) until I know absolutely what I wan't to do, and how i'm going to do it. So what should I be thinking about first? I know I wan't about a 25-30 us Gallon sized tank. I prefer a long tank but a taller square one is fine. I would like some marine fish... I haven't decided on any particular species though, I know I would like fish with crustaceans as well as starfish, snail, urchin, things of that nature. Any recommendations would be appreciated, it would be nice if someone could include compatible mates in their recommendations. Anyways, I know the live stock is the last thing I should worry about (kinda anyway, despite the fact that the setup should revolve around the species being considered but you know what i mean) I don't really know anything so I have a lot to learn about substrates and the live rock/ coral, anemones, the symbiotic relationships, the salinity, gravity thing, temperatures, algae (i've always wanted a tank with that red velvet algae, think thats what its called). So if anyone could shed some light on what the heck i should do first it would be greatly appreciated. Maybe some good guides/articles online, or both. The more information pointing me the right way the better. Thanks in advance.
- Ozz
- Ozz