*Considering* breeding


Fish Fanatic
Aug 9, 2004
Reaction score
Fort Collins, CO, USA
Well, I'm getting either a male or female for my 6 gal, and perhaps I'll add another section to my 10 gal for another male or female. I'd really love to go for double crowntails. However, if I bred a VT with a CT, what would I get? What is the absoloute smallest grow-out tank size? I could spare a 10 gal qt, or get a 15-20 gal. What size tank would I breed the bettas in? Do the parents ever ill eachother (I'd hate to lose a $20 fish). I have plenty of live plants I can put in the tank...should there be a substrate or not? If yes, sand, gravel, or flourite?
For bettas, normally I use a ten gallon with no rocks, no sand, just an empty base so the male can catch the eggs. A lot of plants would help, a grounded plant as well as some floating plants because the female needs places to hide, and occasionally the male. A foam cup that the male can start to build his nest around. A heater, if you use a filter, sponge filters are preferred by most; currents can disrupt the nest.

As for the fear of losing a fish due to a breeding attempt. What you can do is place the female near the male to see how they react. Obviously the male will flare at the female, sometimes the female will flare back. If the male proceeds to build a nest, then you're in luck. Though what you should do before attempting to breed is for about two to three weeks condition your pair.

Feeding live foods, brine shrimp, blood worms, etc. will encourage breeding.

During the event of introduction with both male and female, they will flare at eachother, swim along side, though it may be beautiful at first, there will be a chase and nip. I believe once a fish is bred it can no longer enter the show circut, i'm guessing it's due to the way their fins get torn; since they will never grow back the same.

Aside from that...

just try researching on the breeding as much as possible, it's always good to make sure you have more than one conditioned pair, just incase the first attempted pair don't get along or get a little too violent.

i forget to mention the fry net and jars like sorrell pointed out :D
joker, i dont' think it's nice to say that becuase we dont' really know if he/she is ready for breeding, only they know that.

IMO i think it's great that theyre taking the time out to research and ask all the questions before jumping into it :nod:

remember, it's a learning process :thumbs: can't go through it wtihout asking all those silly questions :lol: i asked plenty :rolleyes:
Wow, has it really been this long since I've been on this board? My goodness, I should start getting on more. Anyways, thank you for the links :) I will certainly research a lot more before breeding. Well, and get a couple crowntails...don't want to add to the veiltail population, no matter how gorgeous they are. Which means another small tank, lol. I will have so many 10 gals by the end of this year, I'll never be able to afford my 120 gal when the time comes :dunno: One of my bettas is actually having a 20 gal all to himself right now...he's so lucky. But he will only have 5 gals soon, which IMO is the perfect betta tank size. He'll like it better, too...he has no idea what to do with all this space. He's my blue vt, Bud, BTW...love him, but I'd never breed him...he's just so normal.

As for saying I'm not ready...you're right. But just give me a few days to research (yes, I'm that good at researching and holding information), and I will no more about it than you do. But you say I'm not ready as though I'm not going to research..why is that? You have something against beginners? I'm not just about to risk my precious bettas on a whim without research, or pay lots of new money for tanks and crowntails. :crazy:
I have a ct just like that male. I'm sure they're worth the price but keep in mind that transhipper fees aren't included.
Yeah, my chance to look ignorant..again.
Should I e-mail the people to ask about how much transhipper fees will cost? How much do they normally cost? I can just find crowntails closer to me, I guess, although I really like these ones. I'm sure I could find others.
I see you are in Boulder so the price will depend on which transhipper he uses. If he uses Linda, she's in Thorton so it may not be so bad (however, I'm in Laramie and from Linda to me is 20-25) If he uses Nancy, she's in California, so that would probably be higher.

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