Considering Breeding Corydoras


Fish Fanatic
Jun 13, 2007
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i am seriously considering breeding some corys, particularly peppered corydoras (since a few of you have told me how easy they are to breed). i am going to call a local, home run petstore that is near me, and ask them how big they would have to be to buy them from me, and how much per fish. is this idiotic of me? im really not experinced with petstores and how they run. not only could i learn from breeding them, i could also gain a little cash for college. just a thought.
I was wondering how big of a tank i would need to raise all those cory fry, or how many 10 to 20 gallon tanks i would need? I find it easier to handle smaller tanks. as for conditions and everything, i have read the cory breeding guide for newbies, VERY helpful! ^_^ if its not a good idea, i probably wont go through with it, at least until i get older.
In my opinion unless the fish store sells alot, then your not going to make alot of money, because they are going to buy them from you alot cheaper than than they sell them, so unless the fish store sells alot of them, then you won't have the demand, however if you sell a rarer species then you will be able to make more money as they are sold for more. You are also better at looking into shipping and investing in packaging, as there is money to be made on aquabid if you are from the usa and ebay for the uk.
You may want to try breeding a common type of corydora as practice, but you will make a lot more money if you go with a high demand and/or less common type like Pandas, Orange/Green Lasers, or C. Aeneus var. "Black".
I would suggest that you breed a fish that you like, first of all. You can usually find an lps that will take your fish. They will usually give you more if you take store credit for them, mine gives about 33%. It is good practice to start with peppers and you should be able to get a place to take them and give you something. When you are more proficient, you can get the fish that are a little harder to breed and in higher demand and sell them as a breeder online. At that level you may be able to line up some store to buy. But the more desirable Cories for those who will pay, are the imported wilds at top condition and hard to breed varieties. There are big differences between the spawns of wild caught and the aquarium bred for lps sale.

My lps does sell wild caught and will tell me the source if I ask them. But I am not sure the quality is as good as some of the specialists that sell online to breeders.

Of course my experience is greatly limited compared to others on this board.
I am considering C. Aenus when I am done with my betta spawn. I will but more cories (duh) but how do I get them to breed?

Pssst, Leah, your story on the poems section of my Freewebs site!
When mature most C. aeneus will spawn with little prompting. But feedings of good high protein food (live black worms, frozen blood worms, frozen mysis shrimp, etc.), good water conditions, cool water changes, and both genders will help prepare them and prompt them. It is difficult to miss an aeneus spawn or the eggs.
Thanks so much you guys....everything that everyone has said about this has helped me out a great deal. im definitely going to have a talk with the pet store owner. i was thinking about selling them on ebay or over the net somehow, there is a good chance that is what ill do if i cant get something good worked out with the pet store owner. well it all depends on my talking to that woman now i guess, see what she would be interested in doing business with. thanks again guys, i really appreciate all your help.

Pssst, Leah, your story on the poems section of my Freewebs site!

Oh wow!!! :hyper: COOL! Thankyou! ^_^
You might try to get a good wild caught pepper or the wild pepper with the long fins. They will be more desirable and easier to sell online. And they have better color than most that have been aquarium bred for several generations.

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