Considering A Re-stock On My 55 Gal. African Tank


New Member
Apr 1, 2009
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So, I have a 55 gallon (48 in. x 18 in. x 12 in.) African cichlid tank.

I think I may have made a mistake with my stocking choices. I currently have 4 Yellow Labs, 2 O.B. Peacocks, 2 sunshine Peacocks, 2 "Ruby Red" Peacocks (at least, that what LFS was calling them), and 2 Lace Cats (synodontis).

I have had this stock for just over 3 weeks, and all was seeming to go well, but now one of the "Ruby Reds" (please see pic at end to tell me if that is really what I have!) has become very aggressive, even going after the Lace Cats.

It doesn't seem to be over any of their "hidey holes" will just start chasing other fish around the tank, and actually nipping at them at times.

I have not sexed any of my fish, so not sure if that is the problem.

My questions are:

1) Should I take out all peacock species except for one? (I have already decided to return the 2 "Ruby Reds")

2) Should I add more of the species that you all reccomend I keep?

3) Should I just add another species? I have heard that it is good to overstock cichlid tanks, at times.

Thanks SO much in advance for any advice!!!

Amanda :)


Is this a Ruby Red?
I would try to sex them if you can, as you want to try to maintain a ratio of 3 females for every 1 male.

Has you temperature increased at all during this 3 week period?

Have you changed your feeding schedule/amount of food you feed them?

Have you added any other fish in the 3 weeks?

My girlfriends name is Amanda as well! lol

I'm not that great at IDing peacocks, so I can't tell you if that is a Ruby Red or not, common names are misleading anyways since the LFS can call it whatever they want. I'd take a look at the profile section at and see if you can id it.

As for stocking, for a 55gal you want to aim for about 3 species of 5 individual each, unless you are going for an all male tank, which I don't recommend for beginner cichlid keepers as it's a bit more difficult to pull off. So, if I were you, I'd get another lab, 3 more OB's, and 3 more Sunshines. The m/f ratio of the labs doesn't matter since multiple males usually get along, however with the peacocks you'll want 1m/4f with each species. Like most haps, peacock males are bright and colorful while the females are generally brown or gray.

I'm assuming you have two male Ruby Reds and the aggressive one is trying to show his dominance over all the other fish. Returning him will help with your other fish, but you'll need to add some more to avoid aggression in the future.


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