Considering A Dp Tank


Fish Herder
Oct 5, 2009
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Just wondered if there's anything I should do once my 90ltr community tank is finally emptied of it's fishes to prepare for a Dwarf puffer setup?

Any tips and advice greatly appreciated!
Lots and lots of plants would probably be the main thing. The more the better.

With a nice open section at the front for feeding time.
Agreed! Good filtration is a must too as these little guys can poop so well and their foods are meaty which all adds to the bioload.

They'll love a 90L tank! :good:
What amount of them could I comfortably have in a 90ltr? I aren't bothered about cramming as many as possible, just enough to keep it interesting kind of thing.
I'm pretty sure 4 would be comfortable, and you could possibly push for 5. 1 male and 3 females would be a good ratio but I'm not sure there is any way to sex them until they're fully grown.
Is it generally better to have a male in a group? If they can't be sexed, what happens if I end up with 4 or 5 fella's?
If you buy them young, you'll be hard pushed to sex them correctly.
Males as they mature tend to get eye wrinkles and females become bigger and rounder. I found the dominant ones have the belly stripe and it is not strictly to say only males that get the belly stripe as some may suggest.

It is best if poss to have more females than males to prevent fighting, but a well planted tank that isn't stuffed full of dps will reduce aggression sufficiently. You'll find when they are young that most dps live together happily, but as they reach sexual maturity around 5-6 months old, they can get stroppy. Breaking up the line of sight with plenty of plants and caves will help.
I'd allow 20L per puffer myself, but once again, it depends on who you talk to as to what suggested stocking allowances are :D

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