Considering A 10 Gallon Saltwater Tank...


New Member
Oct 28, 2011
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Well... I've actually been considering this for a while... and I probably won't do anything until after Christmas break (have to be out of the dorms for a little over a month, my betta's coming with me in his five gallon tank, but a brand new community tank wouldn't be uber-wise, or even just leaving a just cycled tank without anything).

Anyways, I'm just not sure what I want to do. I can have a 10 gallon tank max. Now... whether that's TOTAL (including my five gallon as well or not), I don't know... but for all intensive purposes... a 10 gallon.

I'm not quite sure whether I want it to be freshwater (easier), or saltwater (brighter colors for my quite dim and colorless room). As for fish, I know I want schooling fish... but what exactly? :p

I guess... something hardier... since I won't be able to take the fish with me overseas to Europe this summer (already planned and done), but I'll be leaving the tank with a good friend or family member who will have all instructions for their care... :p But... yeah. Something that'll be fun to look at. I definitely prefer the look of saltwater fish and coral than freshwater fish... but yeah.

Anyone have some ideas for a 10 gallon beginner freshwater tank? Just some ideas of a list I can make and different fish and coral and whatever to get?
Your options are quite limited with a 10gallon tank. If you look through some of the posts in the nano section and also look at what some of the small tank journals are stocking you will have a better idea. As for schooling fish, there are not many for such a small tank when it comes to saltwater. Chromis are pretty (need 6 usually) but you also need about 30gallons of water. Hmmm Let me think about this one and get back to you.
Yeah, I had done some more research since posting this... saw that smallest recommended for a beginner is a 30 gallon... not that 10 gallon is impossible... just MUCH harder to maintain water quality.

Don't necessarily need schooling fish (especially with tank so limited in size), but I'd love to have a saltwater tank... I just adore saltwater fish... the only freshwater fish I really like are bettas... and I already have one. :p Though I could get more... that's always an option. But yeah. :)

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